
Bird watcher | Tea Enjoyer | Mage

Name: Tuul of the Kagon
Nicknames: TBD
Age: Twenties
Gender: Female(she/her)
Race: Au Ra, Xaela
Occupation: Wanderer
Interests: Birds, bird watching, archery, magic, folklore, nature & related things, alchemy & interesting people.
Languages: Common(enough), Old Auri, Doman, Hingan(enough).
Alignment: Neutral Good
Orientation/Status: Pansexual, Demiromantic. Single
Extra Notes: Mage but uses a dagger, bow, and sword. Smells usually floral and of herbs. Has a space in the Beds & Empyreum. Is willing to try new things, so long as not too suspicious. Often literal, kinda awkward yet endearing. Somewhat secretly sensitive about her skin and eyes.

You could call her naive, strange or oblivious and that would be somewhat the truth. For someone who grew up in a tribe that primarily moves at night there is only so much one gleans till they venture far enough. Not to mention her tendency to try and stay out of the way or out of prying eyes. When boiled down to the basics she's kind enough, curious, has a touch of childlike wonder, calm, a small menace, and a bit strange. The more she gets to know someone the more likely she is to be kind of bubbly around a person. Though with a slight tendency to ignore appearances to make her own assessment if possible. After a few times getting tricked, registering her upbringing is not quite everyone else's, losing long term friends and traveling she's grown somewhat skeptical of several things but is still likely to mess up. It makes for interesting times for all involved or she hopes.

If asked about her tribe or life on the Steppe, she will be vague to slightly detailed at best. To most unless asked she won't declare her tribe either, and might just tell you to guess or wait for her to maybe say. Even then she's skeptical they'll believe her. Growing up in the Kagon, most of her tribe mates are fairly light to pale skinned where as Tuul's only bright physical feature is her eyes. Pale blue like Nhaama's moon and stars or so she'd describe them. This small difference is a primary reason for part of her treatment growing up. How seemingly easy it was to cut a deal to freely go and come still stings a bit to this day, despite her having been able to see so much already. Aside from supplies, a means to get word back, and a tome she is unsure of how she'll collect what they asked. Along her travels, she has tried to keep in line with her tribal ways, poked her nose in places of curiosity and acquired her own various 'tales'.It took her some time but eventually she ended up in Eorzea proper, and has learned she might be here for a time. She has yet to decide if this is good or bad. Still she travels onwards, tome in hand and dagger in the other. Seeing if she can make any new, lasting contacts.[More to be written or rewritten as time progresses. Approach ICly for more info.]


Editing this still over time. Feel free to suggest things though! She's usually approachable enough to where you might even see her in city-states to strike up conversation.

Magic: Both not a stranger, but never quite a master. Magic and especially new things can intrigue her. It is a quick way to get an owlish look from the xaela. She could also maybe help you with magic related problems, possibly. Or she just wants to learn something new. She has also taken up pictomancy as of late, and is experimenting.Witchcraft: She'd probably do well learning from a witch. As a lover of most magics and similar, she's curious enough to take on a decent student. She might even share what she's taken with her from home..or at least lightly mention it.Sight: She's starting to train to use aethersight. She has the potential, just needs to put in the time.Her Tome: To most it could resemble an arcanist's tome or just a magical tome. Tuul is somewhere within the realm of a general mage from the Steppe. The Tome itself though once more closely examined seems to be quite strange, but you cannot tell the why without some help from the Kagon herself. (Hard/Rare. Elaborating/using this hook can take time. It is only used if desired and with certain conditions.)

Owlish Curiosity: Similar to magic you can interest this Xaela in the unknown. The only things she might struggle with is technology, overly complicated concepts(just explain slower), and martial arts.Botanist or Alchemist: She's had an interest in the natural world all her life. From plants to animals to beasts to aether/magic. Always learning. She can also make potions, tonics, poultices, etc.New In Town: Tuul has only ventured through Othard, Hingashi, Limsa a little & Gridania a little. Somewhat skeptical by birth, she won't fall for everything but is still kinda clueless. Care to help her out maybe? Maybe you spot her watching birds or her parasol(during the day/under sunlight) catches your eye. Sometimes she's merely entirely covered with a head to boot.Out & About: In addition to camping and being a botanist..and while she can somewhat defend herself..having someone to keep another pair of eyes out while she gathers is probably a good idea. She doesn't mind having someone to maybe chat with..probably. Or you decide to take her along as support just be prepared for the potentially tiny, menace.Xaela: Fellow xaela, especially Steppe born is an easy way to get her attention for better or worse.

OOC Info

Thanks for taking a look at Tuul's carrd. While being a somewhat homebrew mage of sorts from the Steppe she is far from overpowered and cannot do everything. Her summoning skills entirely depend on what she's trying to achieve. While she does search for new magics to learn, she is never meant to be overpowered either. (Updated as of 9/7/24.)

Some things to note..

❧ 21+. EST timezone & on Mateus. But willing to travel!❧ Mirror posting or at least three to four sentences is how I try to write. I can write more or less depending.❧ A little anxious, I might be bad at reaching out. Nevertheless don't be afraid to reach out to me.❧ Romance & similar is fine but Tuul is a slow burner. She reacts somewhat easily, and goes with the flow as is logical for her. Don't be upset if things don't go the way you're wanting.❧ Ask me before doing something serious or seriously wounding my toon. I will definitely not agree to her dying any time soon.❧ If you aren't sure about something or a concept please ask! Worst case I say no. I will similarly ask as needed for things. If something seems too much I will say no.

❧ Communication is key. My phrasing might be hard to understand at times but I will try to clarify more so if asked.❧ Fine with most themes so long as discussed. I avoid gore, heavy mutilation & combat between characters though I am not against conflict. I am fine with slight lore bending, just no WoL or Scions or Sin Eaters/Lightsent or heavily overpowered characters. We just need to talk it out. I enjoy adventure, exploration, slice of life, romance & character learning the most!❧ One offs are fine but I prefer long term and if we can't finish scenes in-game to do so in discord perhaps. I do both discord & in-game, if you ask for discord rp please make sure you can handle it. Also if you don't hear from me for two weeks, chances are I got distracted and it's fine to poke me or leave an in-game mail.❧ I might be willing to move her into an fc if it fits her and myself.

Friends & Allies

Updated as people make impressions..! People are usually added after the second encounter. Crossed-out ones are folks she recalls but hasn't seen in a while.

❧ Blank so sad...friend?❧ Blank so sad...friend?

❧ Blank so sad...friend?❧ Blank so sad...friend?

The Moon's Glass

Tuul as another means of income offers her alchemy, healing & even just conversation to those in need. You can pay with gil, some kind of precious item or work for her till you pay off the debt. If you don't see something list here, ask and maybe she can make it. (Purely IC)

Tea Blends: After being on the road so long and having hailed from the East..Tuul has developed a knack for making her own tea blends. These can be used to soothe the soul, body & mind in a way. Describe what you're after and she'll try to provide it. Or maybe she just wants to give you something nice to drink later? (900-2.1k gil.)Personal Care: Lotions, shampoos, soaps & perfume. (1-7k gil)Echo Drops: 'Sold in 4s.. A restorative that cures most instances of silence.' (397 gil)Spine Drops: 'Sold in 4s. A restorative that cures most instances of paralysis.' (379 gil for one. 1,408 gil)Antidote: 'Sold in 4s. A restorative that cures most instances of poison.' (190 gil)Potions, Hi-Potions: 'Sold in 4s. Restores one's health.'__ (114 gil for Potions, 586 gil for Hi-Potions)__Ether, Hi-Ether: 'Sold in 4s. Restores one's magical energy.' (114 gil for Ether, 900 gil for Hi-Ether)Fresh or Dried Herbs: She has a variety of herbs common to Eorzea & the East. This includes plants from the Steppe. What she tends to display depends on whom visits her. Don't see something? Ask! (960 - 1.9k gil)

Potion of Intelligence, Dexterity, Strength, Vitality, Mind: 'Sold in boxes of 2.Potions that temporarily increase a certain attribute.' (440 gil)Poultices: A poultice is defined as a moist material (usually made of herbs, pastes, and other fillers) that is applied to a sore or inflamed part of the body in order to provide relief. Tuul can make and apply both for a price. These can require follow-ups. (1-2.9k gil)Compresses or Extracts: A compress, also known as a fomentation, is a clean cloth that has been dipped in an herbal solution (like a tea or tincture) and is then applied to the affected area. An "herbal extract" is a very concentrated liquid in which a solvent is used to extract the herbal properties out of plant material. Tuul can make and apply both for a price. (700-2.1k gil)Potions or Tonics: She makes both commonly vendored medicine and other items to help cure illnesses. Painkillers, cold medicine, sleep aides, etc. Feel free to ask for something and she might be able to whip it up for you! (910-2.3k gil)

[Tuul can also offer mending and other aide potentially. All you need to do is ask..!]